Saturday, May 30, 2009

I have a twenty-three page word document full of quotations I've written down over the years, mostly from books and movies. When I opened it recently I was (again) struck by this one, which is speaking about internet communities:

"We used to meet people and then get to know them. Now we get to know people and decide if we want to meet them."

Personally I've never met (in person) a "friend" I've made online, but it's definitely a change that is occurring within our generation. Something to think about.

This picture is unrelated, but nice, don't you think?

Source (for both): Unknown.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Europe Bound

So I made the (right) decision. Right after graduation I'll be off to Europe for three weeks! I've never been--I'm so excited. As if I didn't have enough on my mind with papers due and finals around the corner, now I somehow also have to move out of my apartment and plan outfits for Europe.

Think I can look this cute in front of the Eiffel Tower?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Bathroom

Sipping on a coffee frappucino and finishing this book

before diving into my Shakespeare reading. I found this at City Light Books (I was drawn by the cover design) and I'm completely smitten. Looking to buy the rest of Toussaint's novels as soon as school's out--if I pick them up now I'll never manage to study. Also stressing over Europe plan decisions that I have to make by tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


The boyfriend recently found these pictures of he and I at a Monotonix show at Spaceland in April. Had to share.

Yes, that is the lead singer's naked butt. As you can see I was slightly terrified but also having a great time. They really put on a great live show--playing while suspended in the air, outside in a tree, on the bar, etc. Oh, and they lose some of their clothes.
Also, the Kazai Rex and Th Mrcy Hot Sprngs show last night went really well. Actually, it was only 3/5 of Kazai Rex, but they pulled it off. And The Li Po Lounge in China Town was fun. Good trip. Just got back to LA, and don't want to do my Shakespeare reading for class tomorrow.

Photo Credit: anewidentity's flickr

Sunday, May 24, 2009

City Lights

In San Francisco for the weekend because the boyfriend's band, Kazai Rex, is playing on Monday. Currently the boys are next door in the practice space jamming. It was cold in there, so I'm cozied up in their friend's studio where we're staying catching up on blogs, getting Muni directions to MoMA for  tomorrow, and craving a milkshake.

Okay, so my luggage is not this cute or tidy, but I did see this book in City Lights Books today.

Source:  Unknown

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Double Take

Did anyone else notice that the June Vogue used a photograph of Karolina Kurkova it already published a few years ago?

Vogue November 2004:

Vogue June 2009:

Really, Anna?

Sorry for the poor quality scans, my printer is getting old.
Scans: Me

Friday, May 22, 2009

Wild Thing

Recent inspiration from the girls over at Wildfox:

This girl made the leopard body suit herself, cut the top off of overalls to make the vest, and pinned a bunny tail on for extra flare. I must find some goodwill overalls soon to recreate this. Such a great idea!

Source: Wildfox

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Cat Claw

Off to see The Kills in a half hour!

I love Alison Mosshart! She is so undeniably rock and roll. Her style is just beyond, and her stage presence, well, go see for yourself.

Source: Unknown

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Lazy Beautiful

I was recently digging through the archives of starbucksandjane and found one of her homemade Vogue covers. The title was "Crazy Beautiful" but I misread it at first as "Lazy Beautiful," which I think I like better. It evokes the notion of one of my favorite type of editorials--girls lounging around in light, often floral couture on haphazardly made beds with beautiful light coming in from the windows. Think socks with heels. Silk pajama bottoms with couture tops. Lazy, but beautiful. Lovely idea.

Now if only I looked that good while lounging around the house.

Source: Unknown
I guess I need to start writing them down.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Instant Human: Just Add Coffee

Saw a kid wearing a (home-made) t-shirt with the above saying on it on campus today. I can completely relate right now. I sense a DIY project soon (once all these papers are in).

And so this post isn't image-less, another DIY project I've been wanting to tackle for weeks:

I've been bugging my art friends to help me, as I don't think I have a steady enough hand to make those perfect C's.
Now off to my mac and cheese and last night's Hills episode (I know, I know) before I get back to writing.

Source: thecobrasnake (?)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Big Friday

Just got home from the boyfriend's, having a cup of tea and a bowl of strawberries with cottage cheese and catching up on bloglovin' posts before I spend this beautiful day tucked away in the library. Although I love to complain about school work, seeing as I graduate in about four weeks (!) the library doesn't sound so bad right now. I love sitting in the back at one of the sprawling wood tables with my macbook and headphones writing papers and people watching. It really isn't so bad.

Although, can't say I wouldn't rather be lounging around here, with a stack of magazines or a movie and an iced soy chai.

Source: Unkonwn

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Can You See Me

This is what studying for finals leads to:

Impromptu photobooth photo shoots with no pants on. Okay, so this was actually about six weeks ago, during winter quarter finals, but this is what I've felt like recently. Had midterms all week, so that's close, right? Plus it's been so hot in LA I don't want to have pants on. Now starting the weekend right with a beer, Rilo Kiley and a stack of magazines.

Wearing: vintage flannel and unwashed hair.

Photo Credit: Moi

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Rushing off to campus for a day spent in class and the library, accompanied by a bag laden with texts and my macbook. Currently channeling my high school self--I (re)found this great vintage Deep Purple tee while spending the weekend at my parent's house recently. I used to wear band t-shirts and ripped jeans everyday. Updated the look a little here.

(Okay, so you can't even really see the band t-shirt. But I'm quite camera-shy and curling in on myself like this was the only way to make it work.)

Wearing: vintage Deep Purple tee, UO sweater, AA nylon leggings, H&M flats (not pictured), UO rings and J Crew necklace.

Photo Credit: Me

Monday, May 4, 2009

Mother Mother

Currently channeling: an image of my mother from her glory days at UCSB in the 70s. Apparently she was "being silly" and wearing a hanger on her head (?) I guess that explains the retro scarf strangely hanging from the side of her head.

Note the now-vintage lamp in the background, and the curtains that the dorms still use.

Source: Personal Collection

Sunday, May 3, 2009

First Timer

Sitting in my freshly made bed sporting a face mask with a cup of mango-black tea, a stack of art theory to read, and the new grizzly bear album playing. And currently inspired by this image of Taylor:

It's amazing how great she looks even when just using photobooth. Looking to break out my old head bands soon...